Salesforce’s Service Cloud is an amazing customer service platform. By centralizing customer service cases coming from email, phone, social media, real-time chat and other channels, the Service Cloud platform makes it easy to provide instant and fruitful customer service for any product. Find out how we can help design the ultimate customer service environment to improve case resolution and customer satisfaction.

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Directing Every Channel In To One

Customers are given an abundance of choice when it comes to getting in contact with a company. Service Cloud allows you to centralize communications coming in from Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Text Messages, and other channels in to one, easy to use and highly customized view. You can take advantage of Web-To-Case forms to create cases directly from your company website. Email-To-Case functionality is also provided, allowing you to designate an email address that can create cases for incoming messages. You can also respond through these channels, all from the Service Cloud interface. We help you connect every channel into the Service Cloud platform, ensuring that no customer communication is overlooked.

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Direct & Delegate Your Cases

Need to divide, direct, and delegate different cases to different representatives? Service Cloud determines case delegation through Case Assignment Rules. These rules can determine which individual users or departments are assigned a case based on a number of criteria. You can combine criteria like Case Origin (phone, email, website, etc.), the account the case is related to, and how old the case is to determine where it gets assigned.

Automation doesn’t end at assignment rules. Need to reassign a case to a different agent when it is of high priority and hasn’t been update in 4 hours? Wish to notify all customer service representatives who are handling cases for Acme Inc. every 24 hours? With Case Escalation Rules, you can have a fully automated case escalation scheme. Wish for your customer to receive an automatic response upon case submission? Auto-Response rules can be defined based on your desired criteria. We sit down with you to develop a delegation scheme that best suits your needs, and then use these rules to implement the scheme into your Service Cloud environment.

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Place Customer Information Where Representatives Need It

Don’t leave your customer service representative in the dark. Service Cloud can provide a view with all the information related to the customer they are assisting. All accounts, opportunities, and previous case information, along with all communications with related contacts can be right at your representative’s finger tips. A representative can also display detailed case charts, search through all customer communications, and pass case information to managers with ease. We work with you to design a user-interface tailored to your needs. You can monitor these improvements using Service Cloud reports. Reports like the amount of time spent per case, number of cases resolved per representative, and case volume by channel can be set up as needed. This ensures a more knowledgeable representative, a more confident management, and a more satisfied customer.

Wishing to maximize your customer service?
Let’s get in touch